Christine Taylor born as Christine Joan Taylor Stiller is one of the most popular actresses in America as well as a renowned comedian...
David Scott Lascher is an American actor, who probably came into the spotlight after portraying his roles in “Blossom”, “Sabrina”, and “The Teenage Witch”. He has also appeared on the famous Nickelodeon show “Hey Dude”. Even though sources claims that he might hav...
He A best known for portraying Chip in Serial Mom, Stu in Scream, Stevo in SLC Punk!, Billy Brubaker in Summer Catch Matthew Lyn Lillard is an American actor, voice actor, director, and producer having the net worth of $1.5 million....
The best known primarily for his comedy roles on television and his dramatic and musical stage roles Neil Patrick Harris is an American actor, writer, producer, comedian, magician, and singer grabbing the net worth of $35 million....