A best known from the several Hollywood movies like Scream series, Wild Bill, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, See Spot Run and Eight Legged Freaks David Arquette is an American actor, film director, producer, screenwriter, fashion designer, and former professional wrestler...
An American actress and film producer, Ellen Rona Barkin, also known as Ellen Barkin, rose into the fame after portraying her roles in popular movies like “Ocean's Thirteen”, “Buckaroo Banzai”, “Sea of Love”, and “The Big Easy”. Ellen from her non-stop appearances...
An American writer, producer, actor, and director, his professional career in Hollywood film. Barry Levison wrote many programs like "The Marty Feldman Comedy Machine", "The Tim Conway Show", and "The Carol Burnett Show", and many more, who has the total net worth of $150 million...
Ronald Perelman, who was born on January 1, 1943, a popular billionaire has a net worth of $18.6 billion. ...
An American actor, screenwriter, and director, Samuel Levinson, also known as Sam Levinson, who has appeared in different movies like “Another Happy Day”, “”Operation: Endgame”, “Stoic 2009”, and “Toys”, is estimated to have gather a total net worth of $500,00...
Ralph Fiennes is very well-known in the British theatre circle for his love for Shakespearean dramas and enactment of his main characters like, ‘Hamlet’, ‘Coriolanus’, ‘Richard II’, etc....
An iconic actor, Robert Duvall is synonymous with great talent and proficiency. Gifted with a great artistic endowment, he has made huge mark in all the forms of entertainment whether theatre, television or films through his soulful rendition and absolute mastery. ...