Martin Shkreli

Martin Shkreli’s net worth

Martin Shkreli is an American entrepreneur and pharmaceutical executive. He has an estimated net worth of $100 million. The man behind the hedge fund MSMC Capital Management, Shkreli is also the co-founder and former CEO of the�biotechnology firm,�Retrophin. Besides, he...

Martin Shkreli Net Worth

Martin Shkreli is one of the youngest businessmen in the world. Martin Shkreli’s net worth is estimated to be around $50 million. But a couple of sources claim that his net worth is over $70 million....

Pharma Bro - Martin Shkreli now inmate #87850-053

At the moment, Martin Shkreli once bragged that he would be going to a “Club Fed” instead of real jail. Now, Shkreli is inmate #87850-053 at a Brooklyn federal jail, which is all about as real as it will get....