Mark Warner's Net Worth

Mark Warner's Net Worth

Facts of Mark Warner's Net Worth

Net worth$257 million
Date of Birth:1954 December 15
First NameMark Robert
Last NameWarner
AkaMark Warner
Age:70 years old
Birth Nation: United States


Virginia’s junior senator, Mark Robert Warner’s net worth was reported to be $257 million as of 2014, 89 times more than the average senator and $187 more than in 2012.

He is now one of the richest members of Congress, despite coming from not so wealthy family background. Now let’s dig in his details.

Deep insight on Mark Robert Warner’s net worth

Born in Indianapolis, Warner was actually the first one in the family to graduate. Although he earned a Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School in 1980, interestingly he was the only one in his class not to get a job in any law firms even after the completion of his internships.

But Universe works in its own way. Warner applied this degree years later in a rather unusual field and worked quite like a charm. More than that, it helped him earn the title of the fourth richest members of Congress in 2012.

Before being a senator, Warner was elected as the Governor of Virginia in 2001. At the time, he had listed his wealth around $200 million. During his five years as a governor, the state witnessed impressive developments in the field of business and public education that Virginia was listed one of the best states for business and public education. It seems as if good

It seems as if good politicians do really exist who actually care for people. Warner also kept his promise to Virginians by voting in favor of “Obamacare”. Just for the fun fact, this required 60 votes and there were exactly 60 Democrats in total.

How did Jr. Senator Mark get so Rich?

In 2006 Warner was also given the title of “the Man with the Golden Phone” by the Atlantic. The story behind this is, most of his fortune actually came from a mobile franchise.

Warner, 63 now had started his career as a broker of mobile phone franchise licenses, later grew into a visionary and smart enough to invest in the telecom industry which was then in its initial phase. One of such company was Nextel. Later he signed up for Columbia Capital,

a venture-capital partnership emphasizing on the wireless industry, where he works now as a managing director and founder, of course. Ten years later it earned him $150 million. It was not his first investment though. Warner had also invested in a failed energy start up earlier but with no luck.

Apart from this, he also owns stock worth $6.75 million minimum in the Russian search engine called Yandex. The only liability listed by him is a loan amount of $15,000 from the Virginia Commerce Bank. In 2014, Warner has also spent $132,000 during a campaign from his pocket.

Personal Life and married life:

Mark Warner got married to Lisa Collis in 1989 and now a father to 3 daughters. May be as stupid as it sounds, but looking at the past trends, it might be convincing that majority of politicians are a filthy rich businessman. Warner too was a successful businessman before entering politics.
