Widely known for appearing in different series including “Under the Dome” (2003), and “The Path” (2016), Max Ehrich, is an American dancer, singer and an actor, who currently portrays the repetitive part of recouping drug someone who is addicted Freddie Ridge in the serie...
Nia Sioux Frazier is a professional American dancer. She became famous from the reality show Dance Moms where she was a regular. Nia Sioux’s first single, Star In Your Own Life, was released in 2015. Her net worth is estimated between $1-$2 million. ...
Abby Lee Miller is an American dance instructor, choreographer, and reality TV personality. She is best known for her role as the founder and director of the Abby Lee Dance Company (ALDC), which gained widespread recognition through the reality show "Dance Moms". Abby Lee Miller'...