Francimar Barroso Net Worth 2018:Know his income,salary,career,UFC matches and his relationship

Francimar Barroso Net Worth 2018:Know his income,salary,career,UFC matches and his relationship

Facts of Francimar Barroso Net Worth 2018:Know his income,salary,career,UFC matches and his relationship

Net worth$182,000
Date of Birth:1980 February 28
First NameFrancimar
Last NameBarroso
Age:45 years old
Birth Nation: Brazil

Do you know who ‘Francimar Barroso’ is? We provide you with an accurate information. Fasten up your seat belts and get ready to find out about him.

A Brazilian mixed martial artist, Francimar Barroso, fights in the light heavyweight division of the UFC has a net worth of $182,000.

What does Francimar do for his living? Find this out.

Barroso made his debut in the UFC where he faced Ednaldo Oliveira on August 3, 2014. He won the fight via unanimous decision. After that, he faced a number of fights in the UFC. During his fights, he has won a lot of them through a unanimous decision. He has also lost a few of the fights. His latest fight was on January 20, 2018, where he faced Gian Villante. He lost this fight via split decision. Barroso has a strong stand in his career in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC).

What are his income sources? Check this out:

Francimar Barroso has quite a high salary and we can say so looking at his net worth. His yearly salary is $52,000. His salary according to the years is listed below.

2011-12 = $13,867

2013-14 = $17,627

2014-15 = $27,368

2016-17 = $70,200 (estimated)

Have you found out his possessions? Let’s find out!

His exact information about his choice of cars and his house hasn’t been made public yet. We will update you with the information once we find it out.

Do you know who ‘Francimar Barroso’ was as a child? Well, we will tell you if you don’t know yet. Keep reading.

Francimar Barroso was born on February 28, 1980, in the city of Xapuri, Brazil. He holds a Brazilian nationality and white ethnicity. He was interested in fighting since his early age and he, therefore, pursued his career in fighting.

Barroso isn’t married yet. During one of his fights with Elvis Mtapcic, after his win, he proposed his long-time girlfriend for marriage. Tonnerre accepted his proposal and agreed to stay with him forever. The couple is living happily. His other personal information has not been made public yet. However, if we find any data, we will update it very soon.

Have you followed Francimar Barroso yet? If you haven’t, don’t worry as we have his information for you. Check this out!

Francimar Barroso has a huge fan following since he is a popular face. His outstanding graph in his career has helped him maintain his importance among the viewers. He has thousands of followers on the social networking sites. His posts and uploads pictures frequently on Instagram and other accounts too. We wouldn’t be surprised if his followers increased in huge numbers in the near future.

We wish him all the luck in his future works. Go, Francimar!

Mixed Martial ArtistUFCBrazilianUFC FighterGian VillanteFrancimar Barroso