Ann Walton Kroenke’s net worth- Know her business, husband stan Kroenke, father bud walton, family

Ann Walton Kroenke’s net worth- Know her business, husband stan Kroenke, father bud walton, family

Facts of Ann Walton Kroenke’s net worth- Know her business, husband stan Kroenke, father bud walton, family

Net worth$6.6 billion
Date of Birth:1948 December 18
First NameAnn Walton
Last NameKroenke
AkaAnn Walton
Age:76 years old
Birth Nation: United States

A billionaire Ann Walton Kroenke is an American businesswoman who is an heiress to the huge Walmart fortune. As per the record, she holds the net worth of $6.6 billion USD as of 2019. Ann along with her sister Nancy Walton Laurie inherited the stock from her father Bud Walton who was died in 1995.


ann walton kroenke

To the date, this billionaire holds the net worth of around $6.6 billion. The real question is what is her source of income. 

We’ll get you with that in just seconds. Keep Calm! 

Business and Fortune of Ann Walton Kroenke

Ann Walton Kroenke is best-known as the wife of real estate businessman Stanley Kroenke and one of two daughters of James “Bud” Walton. To hold the fortune of billions, Ann Walton didn’t have to wait longer as she belonged to a billionaire family. Well, that’s always not enough.

After the death of her father and uncle Sam Walton, the founder of Wallmart, Ann Walton and her sister Nancy Walton Laurie became an heiress to the Walmart. Surely, the two sisters inherited around $9 billion worth Wallmart stake (1.7%) following their father, Bud's death in 1995. 

Similarly, Ann is a great-aunt of American businessman and attorney Steuart Walton. Kroenke derives her huge net worth from numerous assets and to grow the business area and built her net worth, Ann Walton became the owner of two international sports team. She owns the NBA side team, Denver Nuggets and also NHL team, Colorado Avalanche.

Ann is an active philanthropist. She has been associated with several charitable foundations including Audrey J. Walton and Ann Walton Charitable Foundation.


Property Owned by Ann Walton

Ann Walton along with her husband owns a villa in Aspen, Colorado. The house is valued at around $20.75 million.

Also, their another house located at Columbia, Missouri is valued at around $2.5 million. The house is built in an area of 12,000 square foot.

In addition to her property, Ann Walton also owns a yacht. The yacht costs around $150 million as estimated.


Family Background of Ann Walton and Her education

Born on December 18, 1948 in Columbia, Missouri, Ann Walton is the daughter of late James “Bud” Walton and Audrey Walton.

Bud Walton was the co-founder of multinational retail corporation named Walmart. He and his brother, Sam Walton founded the renowned retailer.

Talking about her education, Ann completed her undergraduate degree from the Columbia College of Missouri. Later, she attended Lincoln University and gained a license as a registered nurse. 


Married Life and Children of Ann Walton

A relation becomes more stronger when not only their heart but mind also satisfies. The same has happen to Ann Walton.

She is a business-minded person and so is married to one. She married a businessman, Stan Kroenke in 1974.  Stan holds the net worth of $8.5 billion.

Stan is the owner of Kroenke Sports & Entertainments that holds the company of Premier League side club ArsenalNFL’s Los Angeles Rams, MLS’s Colorado Rapids, NLL’s Colorado Mammoth, and NHL’s Colorado Avalanche.Nevertheless, he is the reputed owner of the famous real-estate firms "Kroenke Group" and "THF Realty"

The couple have one daughter Whitney Ann and one son Josh Kroenke together.

As her mother, Whitney Ann is an heiress, and film producer. And Josh is an heir to the Kroenke Sports & Entertainment.


AmericanphilanthropistAnnAnn WaltonAnn Walton KroenkeBuinesswomanWallmartPhilanthrop